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Three Kinds Of Can Seaming And Why They Are Important

by Roland Davidson

Can seamers hold a very important job in canning factories. Regardless of what the cans are used for, if the seams on these cans are not sealed properly, the contents of the cans could leak or spoil. When you conduct an end-of-the-line assembly inspection on the cans and canned goods in your processing plant, you want to check and recheck the following three kinds of can seaming to make absolutely sure you are shipping out quality products that are shelf-stable until the date stamped on the can.

Cylinder Seamers

Cylinder seamers often seam a long formed cylinder before the cylinder is cut into perfectly measured sections. There are also seamers that can weld and seam individual cylinders that have already been cut to size. (You may be more familiar with one kind of cylinder seamer depending on the type your plant currently uses.) During inspection, you have to check the single side seams on every can to make sure they have properly melded together or your products may leak out the side. There is also the possibility of spoilage or pest infestation where food is concerned. It all starts with proper can seams.

End Seamers

Can seamers that add the end lids to a metal cylinder do so by first sealing and heat-welding the bottom end on first. After the upright cans are filled with a consumable (e.g., soup, car oil, etc.), the cans meet with a second end seamer that repeats the initial process from an inverted position. Now the cans are completely sealed on the tops and bottoms and pass on to the labeler.

Hermetic Sealers/Seamers

If your plant is responsible for canning food, it is especially important to have hermetic sealers and seamers. These machines make sure that every single can is devoid of bacteria that could cause spoilage and make sure that every one of the seams on these cans is rust-proof and as free of contaminants as a surgical suite in a hospital. If any of these cans is not effectively sealed or hermetically sealed, the food in them can make customers very sick and cost your company a lot of money. Before your employer informs you that all of the cans from a certain production batch and date have to be recalled, check every can before it goes out. Your attention to these seamer machines and the cans they produce will ensure that factory business continues as usual.
