Creating a Stronger Community

Why Use Kitting Services For Your Facility's Medical Supplies?

by Roland Davidson

Your medical or nursing facility uses medical supplies regularly to help and treat patients. Like many facilities, you may be used to getting your own products, but you might consider contracting that work out to companies that supply specific medical kits. Here's why.

Better Sourcing

When you're ordering individual supplies, you might not have the time to painstakingly investigate each product. For example, when purchasing gauze, you might just get the cheapest brand without doing too much research. Kitting companies, on the other hand, assemble premium products for inclusion in their kits because they don't have the variety of tasks that you do.

More Efficient Use of Supplies

When using kits, you and others will be less likely to be wasteful. Getting lots of gauze squares when there's a small cut, for example, is not always necessary. A wound care kit will only include a few squares. This prevents waste and overbuying.

Simpler Ordering

In your facility, you might be working on multiple activities and tasks. Ordering supplies individually probably takes more time than you'd like, particularly if you aren't placing one bulk monthly order. When ordering kits, you'll be making your own life much easier; rather than tracking down shipments of all kinds of products, unpacking and putting away things, you'll order kits and simply unpack and stack them.

Faster Patient Care

When using kits, you can reach and tend to patients faster. Instead of rushing around and measuring multiple items, you can grab a medical kit and treat a patient right away. This will also help your staff, because they won't have to feel rushed when they go to the supply closet to retrieve one kit instead of various tools and supplies.

Better Supply Room Management

Because you treat patients with all different health conditions in your facility, the supply room can become cluttered and disorganized from all the different supplies stored in there. When you purchase from kitting companies, you can make the supply room much neater. Stacked kits for multiple health issues arranged well won't seem as messy as half-open boxes of swabs or saline sprays, for instance.

Less Concern for Expiration

On your own, you may buy things only to later discover that they're expired and are therefore less effective for use. Kitting companies, however, ensure that every object in each kit isn't expired when delivered to you and won't expire for some time. Some companies even give expiration notifications so that you are prepared.

Medical product kits can make your client treatment better. Discuss your particular facility's needs with local kitting companies to learn what they're able to offer
